Why ZONE Skincare?

Dermatologists and Skin Care Therapists have found that Co-Enzyme Q10 is a very effective and powerful Anti-Oxidant. Zone Skin Care recognized this need for an intensive, active and effective Anti-Oxidant treatment range. Zone Skin Care has managed to produce a day and night cream with the right percentage of the active ingredients Co-Enzyme Q10 and network Anti-Oxidants. The high concentration levels of these Anti-Oxidant ingredients ensure maximum penetration of actives, yet skin irritation is minimised due to the stable non-irritating base

Zone Skin Care has proved to be very effective when used in conjunction with Microdermabrasion, Ultra Sound and IPL Laser Therapy. Zone Skin Care is particularly effective in preparing the skin prior to any of the above treatments and cosmetic surgery.

Zone Skin Care contains network antioxidants in the correct effective concentrations. Studies have shown that Co-Enzyme Q10 and Anti-Oxidants help to repair and rejuvenate the skin however they will only show significant differences when used at correct concentrations. Zone Skin Care has used medical science to incorporate all these findings into treatment in skincare and repair for a more youthful look.

Basic Consumer Test: Medical science has proven that, unless (any) substances are applied or taken at the correct concentrations, it cannot produce the desired effects. Co-Enzyme Q10 (Co Q10) is a bright yellow substance. Therefore, all creams and lotions containing approved levels of Co-Enzyme Q10 will be a shade of yellow, depending on the concentration.

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